Expanding the geography of transportation: Turkmenistan introduces international standards in training drivers

In 2024, declared the year of the "Treasury of the Mind of Magtymguly Pragy", under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, special attention is paid to the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of road transport. This is due to the active expansion of the geography of cargo transportation, including European countries.
The "Turkmenawtoulaglary" Agency, together with the Public Association "Association of International Road Carriers of Turkmenistan", a member of the International Road Transport Union (IRU), is analyzing the current processes of cargo transportation. Based on its results, the need for professional training of drivers and operators of vehicles carrying out international transportation was identified.
In this regard, an order was given to open a training center that will be accredited by the International Road Transport Union (IRU). The new center will provide professional training for drivers and transport operators in accordance with international standards, especially for transportation to European countries. This is an important step for the development of the transport and logistics sector in Turkmenistan, indicating the state's support in expanding the geography of road transport.
The IRU Academy has already started training teachers to conduct short-term courses. The first 3-day online course is dedicated to the use of tachographs. The training will be held in 5 stages and will include training of teachers who will teach drivers working with tachographs, transporting goods and passengers, as well as drivers transporting dangerous goods.
The teachers of the new training center will be trained in classrooms equipped with modern digital technologies. After successfully passing the exams, the training center will receive a certificate of conformity (accreditation) from the IRU Academy in Geneva. This will allow the training center to issue international certificates and diplomas to Turkmen drivers and managers who successfully complete the course.
Thus, the new training center will become an important element of the system for training specialists in the field of international road transport, contributing to the development of this key sector of the economy and expanding opportunities for Turkmen companies in the international arena.