A new bus route No. 72 has been launched: «Awtokombinat — Awtomenzil»


In order to meet the needs of the population for high-quality road transportation and provide quality service to passengers, the Ashgabat passenger motor transport enterprise “Turkmenavtoulaglary” of the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan announces the launch of a new bus route No. 72. From July 14, 2024, buses began running on the route «Awtokombinat — Awtomenzil».

The new route starts from the final point “Awtokombinat”, then runs along Gundogar Street, then along Gurbansoltan Eje Avenue to the Archabil ring road, then to the Ak Tam market and the Altyn Asyr Eastern market. The route ends at the “Awtomenzil” in the direction of A. Niyazov Avenue.

This move is aimed at ensuring the convenience of passengers, providing more options for comfortable and efficient movement around the city.