The Panama Canal hopes to restore capacity by 2025


The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has announced that if forecasts promising heavy rainfall come true, the canal will be able to gradually return to normal operation by 2025.

During March, the capacity of the locks increased from 24 to 27 vessels per day. If the rainy season is plentiful, as forecasts promise, by the beginning of next year, the Administration hopes to gradually return to the norm of 36 vessels per day. However, the statement warns that if the forecasts do not come true, the restrictions will have to be maintained, and maybe even tightened.

Transit statistics for March show that the average daily number of transits increased to 24 compared to 22.8 in February. For comparison, in March 2023, this figure was 43.6. In the first six months of the fiscal year, which lasts from October to September, a total of 4.6 thousand ships passed through the channel, which is 37% less than a year earlier.