ONE will increase the capacity of its container fleet to 3 million TEU by 2030


The line, created as a result of the merger of container operations of the three largest Japanese shipping corporations NYK, MOL and K-line, will spend $ 25 billion to increase the capacity of its container fleet to 3 million TEU by 2030, Shipping Watch reports, citing the carrier's new business development strategy, TASS reports.

In January, ONE placed an order for the construction of 12 dual-fuel container ships with a capacity of 13 thousand each. TEU at two Chinese shipyards. In the notification of the deal, ONE stated that the ordered vessels will be its first methanol vessels and will form the basis of the future ecological fleet as part of the group's "green" strategy.

Twelve vessels will add more than 150 thousand. TEU of new capacity to the carrier's fleet, currently numbering about 1.8 million TEU. 92 vessels with a capacity of 780 thousand. TEUs are owned by the operator. Recently, ONE has been actively increasing its fleet and has already reached the 6th line of Alphaliner's top100 rating, compared with the 7th place in mid-2023. Over the past year, the carrier has increased the fleet's capacity in operations by about 200 thousand TEU.

However, there are still 1.2 million TEUs left to reach 3 million TEUs. Currently, the operator's total order portfolio includes 42 vessels with a capacity of about 530 thousand TEU.