In Russia, by 2030, the volume of container transportation in gondola cars will grow to 25-35 trains per day


By 2030, the volume of container transportation in gondola cars will grow to 25-35 trains per day. This was announced by Fininvest CEO Alexander Kakhidze, speaking at TransRussia 2024. Currently, 11 trains per day is considered a record figure.

– We are preparing the infrastructure of transshipment complexes in Novosibirsk for this, and we have started implementing a project in Kemerovo. We believe that the transshipment of gondola cars should be concentrated on the West Siberian Railway," the speaker said. The priority project is the container terminal of TLC "Artyom". The area of the facility is 500 hectares. There will be 5 container sites on them. The capacity of one-time storage will be up to 100 thousand TEU. The first container train is planned to be accepted by the end of 2024. Recall, according to the Ministry of Transport, a network of transport and logistics centers (TLCs) is being formed in 18 regions of the Russian Federation. The project is being implemented at the expense of private investments, the total amount of financing is more than 140 billion rubles.