The register of freight carriers “slipped” the first reading


The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the first reading a bill proposing to create a national digital platform "GosLog" and a register of notifications on cargo transportation. However, its authors must submit amendments by August 22.

According to Rostransnadzor data provided in the explanatory note to the draft law, as of April 2, 2024, only 46.1 thousand car owners have notified about transportation activities - less than 20% of the total number of car owners.

- Thus, control over 80% of carriers is not carried out, there is no control at all over the vehicles they use to transport goods, - noted Vitaly Efimov.

According to a member of the State Duma Committee on Transport, the bill was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber, the relevant committee of the Federation Council and 57 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.