Crews from Turkmenistan retain their place in the top 3 following the results of the ninth stage of the Silk Way Rally


The ninth stage of the Silk Way Rally: the kingdom of speed

The Silk Way rally marathon caravan continues to follow high mountain routes. This time, the athletes faced a 558-kilometer stage through a mountain pass with serpentine roads to the river bed. The main feature of the special stage was the high-speed routes, which required increased vigilance due to the many cross gullies and difficult terrain. At the same time, the participants had to preserve their equipment, because the next day all crews would set off for the first part of the marathon stage.

Serial SUVs

The crew of LADA Sport ROSNEFT Raid, driven by Mikhail Mityaev, won the T2 series SUV category. The debutant of the International Silk Way Rally won eight minutes from Maksatmyrat Danatarov and was almost ten minutes ahead of Andrey Sushentsov.

Sushentsov nevertheless continues to lead the overall standings, five hours ahead of the crew of the Toyliyev brothers. Maksatmyrat Danatarov closes the top three, followed by Mikhail Mityaev and Meilis Abdullaev.

The “Silk Way” rally will last until July 15.