Two more velayats reported a labor victory


Grain growers of two more velayats – Ahal and Lebap – won a remarkable labor victory. The field workers fulfilled their contractual obligations to deliver wheat, pouring more than 400 and 310 thousand tons of grain into the bins of the Motherland, respectively.

Reporting this, Turkmen farmers expressed sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for their great concern for the development of agriculture and the conditions created for the fruitful work of farmers.

As noted, rural workers are provided with technical services, mineral fertilizers, high-quality seeds and chemical plant protection products from pests at preferential prices. The state regularly purchases modern high-performance equipment from the world's leading companies, and timely payments are made to producers for delivered products. All this generally contributed to the achievement of good results during the current campaign.

It is worth noting that the farmers of the Balkan and Dashoguz velayats were the first in the country to cope with contractual obligations.

Increasing the volume of production of various agricultural products and ensuring food abundance in the country is a strategic guideline and the most important priority of the ongoing state policy aimed at strengthening the economic power of Turkmenistan and improving the well-being of the people.

A good incentive to increase the productivity of farmers and their interest in cultivating ever-higher yields is the systematic increase in purchase prices for wheat, preferential loans provided to farmer associations, tenants, and entrepreneurs for the purchase of agricultural equipment and financing of other expenses.

In addition, within the framework of the National Program for the transformation of social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period until 2028 and other large-scale socio-economic programs, large investment projects are being implemented in all regions, radically changing the lives of Turkmen farmers . All this allows our courageous farmers to achieve such high results.