The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan visited the Rukhabat production complex for the production of bread products


The national Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip around the capital and visited the Rukhabat production complex for the production of bread products of the State Association "Turkmengallaönümleri", located in the suburbs of Ashgabat. Hero-Arkadag, during his acquaintance with the work of the grain processing enterprise, held a working meeting here with the participation of relevant managers.

Currently, the grain harvest continues in our Homeland. Thanks to the selfless work of courageous farmers and the constant support of the state, a rich grain harvest has been grown in the country this year. This is a vivid result of the reforms being implemented in the agro–industrial complex of the country, initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people and successfully implemented under the leadership of Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

The Arkadag hero arrived early in the morning at the Rukhabat production complex for the production of bread products. Built in accordance with modern requirements and equipped with advanced equipment, the new enterprise includes an elevator, workshops for the production of flour and bread products, etc.

As noted, a new workshop began to function here, during which the Arkadag Hero was interested in its equipment, the features of modern equipment installed here from leading world manufacturers and the introduction of the latest scientific developments into its work.

The company's specialist expressed gratitude to Hero Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for equipping the workshop with advanced equipment and told about the work schedule of the new workshop.

Here, the seeds are processed using a special beam. This equipment also distinguishes grain by color and volume, which makes it possible to select pure and high-quality wheat seeds. The latest photoseparator installed in the workshop is capable of cleaning 18 tons of grain per hour.

As noted, the specialists working here on modern equipment that has no analogues in the region have been trained abroad. This, along with improving the professional level of the staff, ensures full compliance of the work carried out here with international standards.

Hero-Arkadag stressed that he would constantly keep under control the issues of further integrated development of the agricultural sector of the state, strengthening the material and technical base of all relevant structures and wished the specialist success in his work.

Then the National Leader of the Turkmen people proceeded to the wheat receiving point. In recent years, grain and cotton harvests in the country have been steadily growing. The decision of the President of Turkmenistan to increase state purchase prices for grain and cotton motivated farmers to increase labor productivity. Thus, a rich wheat harvest has been grown in the Homeland this year.

The hero-Arkadag stressed that grain grown on fertile soil is the wealth of our people. Therefore, among the important tasks is the development of grain crops in accordance with the requirements of the time and on a scientific basis, which is designed to ensure abundant harvests in the future.

Here, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Grain Production D.Babayev, talking about the quality of grain supplied to the enterprise, thanked for the productive work of farmers and expressed gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and Hero Arkadag for the development of the agricultural industry on a scientific basis, assuring that every effort will be made to successfully implement the tasks set.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people also got acquainted with the work of the laboratory, which is part of the structure of the enterprise.

As the specialist noted, the functioning laboratory is equipped with the most modern equipment, and the scientific activities carried out fully meet the requirements of the time. The necessary conditions for productive work and comfortable rest have been created here.

Noting the importance of the laboratory, which is one of the main links of the production complex, scientist Arkadag said that the work carried out here should comply with international standards, the professional level of employees should be systematically improved by giving specific instructions to the relevant managers.

The workshop of the Rukhabat grain processing enterprise for flour packaging is operating at full capacity. The Arkadag hero asked about the organization of work and the conditions created for employees. The specialist said that all opportunities for effective work and comfortable rest of employees are provided here. He also informed that the equipment installed in the workshop ensures uninterrupted operation.

The Arkadag hero wished everyone further success in their work and visited the finished product warehouse, where its storage conditions meet the requirements.

An exhibition of grain products was organized on the territory of the enterprise, where seed grains, flour made from the current harvest, bread and bakery products were also presented. Arkadag, the hero, noting that the sacred flour embodies purity and prosperity, wished the company's employees new labor victories.

The abundance of products presented at the exhibition is a clear indication of the positive results of the ongoing efforts to strengthen food abundance in the country.

As you know, large-scale reforms are being successfully implemented in the agro-industrial sector, as in all areas. This helps to increase yields, develop the industry on a scientific basis, and increase the export potential of the industry.

Then the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the participation of the relevant leaders.

The hero-Arkadag noted that today our compatriots are working hard within the framework of the implementation of the "Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028" and the Program "Revival of a new era of a powerful state: The National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052".

As the Hero Arkadag emphasized, our farmers handed over more than 1 million tons of grain to the harman of the Motherland, noting that this is a high achievement. It has not been long since the President of Turkmenistan blessed and launched the grain harvest, and this result is the fruit of daikhan's labor.

Noting that the grain harvest continues in the country these days, a rich grain harvest has been grown this year and domestic scientists are making a huge contribution to achieving such indicators, Arkadag stressed that the President of Turkmenistan sets great tasks for rural workers, and that our scientists play an important role in solving them.

Hero-Arkadag said that the President of Turkmenistan had recently been on a working trip to the Balkan province and thanked the hardworking farmers. Thanks to the efforts of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, concrete measures are being taken to strengthen food abundance in the country and improve the well-being of our people, including by obtaining a rich wheat harvest.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people stressed that President Serdar Berdimuhamedov visited the city of Arkadag last year and noted that buildings of scientific research institutes of grain growing, agriculture, cotton growing will be built as part of the second stage of the new city development, and determined the location of these facilities.

The activities of these scientific institutes should contribute to the integrated development of agriculture and the organization of production at a new level, increase the experience of young specialists, and ultimately new developments. All work in agriculture should be carried out on a scientific basis. This is the main factor in growing rich crops in the country, the scientist Arkadag continued.

Further, the Arkadag Hero noted that he was very glad to meet with the heads of research institutes related to the agricultural sector and asked about their scientific activities.

Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Grain Production D.Babayev said that currently, thanks to the efforts of the President of Turkmenistan, the agricultural sector of the country is developing on a scientific basis, the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress and advanced technologies are being widely introduced.

As noted, an unforgettable historical event for domestic scientists was the transfer of scientific research institutes to the building of an Agricultural complex built in the city of Arkadag at the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people. All conditions have been created here in accordance with international standards for the creative activity of scientists and the effective conduct of scientific research.

Hero-Arkadag stressed that it is necessary to constantly improve seed breeding work, to breed disease-resistant and high-yielding varieties of wheat and cotton, taking into account local climatic conditions, to increase the experience of scientists in this field and their professional level.

Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture M.Annanepesov noted that the reforms in the agro-industrial complex of the country are aimed at the comprehensive development of the industry, increasing the volume of agricultural production, and expressed gratitude to the Hero Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan for the opportunities created by the state in this direction.

The scientist stressed that comprehensive work is underway to provide specialists with scientific and production manuals, increase the productivity of agricultural land, and test new types of vegetables and melons, while great importance is attached to international cooperation in this area.

Hero-Arkadag noted that the development of agriculture on a scientific basis is identified among the priorities. In this regard, the need to work on improving the methods of growing spring and autumn crops, the effective application of national farming traditions and world best practices in this direction was emphasized.

During the workshop, the director of the Scientific Research Institute of Cotton Production M.Meredov made a speech. It was reported that activities are currently being carried out for the comprehensive development of agricultural science, obtaining high-yielding varieties of fine and medium-fiber cotton resistant to soil and climatic conditions of the country and diseases by domestic breeders.

Scientist Arkadag noted that the effectiveness of research activities in the field of breeding and seed production should be given great importance. In this regard, it is necessary to study in-depth the best international practices, modern methods of agricultural technology. This will ensure the further development of the agricultural sector on a scientific basis, as well as the accumulation of positive experience in this area.

Then R. Bazarov, Managing Director of the Office of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Vice-president of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care, made a report, reporting that meetings are currently being held with agricultural workers, scientists of scientific research institutes of the country, their initiatives and proposals are being actively studied.

Hero-Arkadag stressed the importance of organizing meetings with agricultural scientists, attracting students and young teachers of specialized higher educational institutions to them. This will be the main condition for the successful implementation of the tasks facing the industry.

As the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted, a lot of work is being done in the agricultural sector, the main purpose of which is to ensure food abundance in the Homeland. Therefore, scientific work should be actively continued. In addition to wheat and cotton harvests, we must receive high yields of other crops, and for this we need to process the fields in a timely manner, said scientist Arkadag.

It was noted that it is important to rest the land, carry out crop rotation, always keep the reclamation state of the soil in the center of attention, combat salinization, sow crops adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of our country, feed them with fertilizers and water them in the required volume and at the right time, based on scientific experience. This is a particularly important task.

As the Arkadag Hero further said, the scientific approach to work always gives good results. If it is carried out in a timely manner and in accordance with agrotechnical standards, everything will pay off.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized that it is important to store the harvested grain harvest in elevators and warehouses in accordance with established requirements, constantly keep this work under strict control, organize proper reception, drying of grain and delivery to consumers.

The Hero-Arkadag also stressed the expediency of holding an international scientific and practical conference with the participation of scientists and specialists working in the agricultural sector of the country.

We must not lose a single grain of wheat, which was grown by our daihans and harvested by machine operators. Grain is the prosperity of the sacred dastarkhans of our people and a condition for living in abundance, said the Hero-Arkadag, instructing the participants of the meeting to continue fruitful work in this direction, and wished success in their noble cause.