In the first five months of 2024, more than 46 thousand Turkmen citizens received visas to the Russian Federation

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Turkmenistan, Ivan Volynkin, said that a record indicator of the number of Russian visas issued has now been reached.
"If in 2019 a total of 60 thousand visas were issued, then by the end of 2023 - more than 73 thousand, of which 36 thousand were tourist and 19 thousand were educational. In addition, over 46 thousand visas were printed in the first five months of 2024, while 18.3 thousand were printed in the same period of 2023. I am sincerely glad that we have overcome the barriers that the pandemic once set and returned to normal transport links between our countries," he said.
The Ambassador also noted that more than 40 thousand Turkmen students are studying at Russian universities.