The election campaign continues

On June 11, the next stage of the election campaign ended – registration of candidates for deputies of the Mejlis instead of those who dropped out. The first two stages, the nomination and registration, which took place in strict accordance with the current legislation of our country, have prepared a reliable basis for holding truly democratic elections that meet the highest international standards.
In total, 9 candidates were nominated for the place of deputies of the Mejlis in constituencies No. 1 "Garaşsyzlyk", No. 2 "Bitaraplyk" and No. 6 "Köpetdag" of Ashgabat city instead of those who left early – 3 in each constituency.
Among the candidates are representatives of various sectors of the national economy. Many of them represent political parties. Thus, the real participation of all civil society institutions in solving the most important issues of the life of the state is ensured.
All registered candidates, in accordance with national electoral legislation and international law, are provided with equal rights and opportunities to organize meetings with voters.
Currently, candidates are already meeting with the electorate in the electoral districts. As is well known, the main principle of this campaign is a broad alternative framework, which is an indispensable condition for further strengthening of the traditional democratic traditions in the life of Turkmen society.
Voters get acquainted with the professional and organizational qualities, the key directions of the nominees' election programs, the essence of which is the intention to contribute to ensuring the progress and prosperity of Turkmenistan, increasing the welfare of the Turkmen people.
In order to justify the trust placed in them by their compatriots as competent, caring, and true patriots, the candidates assure that they will use all their strength, experience and knowledge to implement the large-scale socio-economic programs of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at strengthening the power of the Motherland and the well-being of the Turkmen people.
Previously, 60 polling stations were established in the territories of three districts. All of them are equipped with appropriate office equipment, information materials on elections, reference, methodological literature, brochures with the text of the Electoral Code, regulatory documents and other materials.
In accordance with the plan of approved measures for the preparation and organized conduct of the expression of the will of citizens, with the participation of representatives of the Central Election Commission, training seminars were held for members of district and precinct election commissions.
The participation of national observers will contribute to the objectivity of the electoral process. In this regard, 76 national observers appointed by political parties, public organizations and citizen groups were registered and received certificates in these elections.