Construction of the main Rail Baltica route in Latvia will begin this summer


The construction of the main route of the Rail Baltica railway project in Latvia is scheduled to begin this summer, according to the company Eiropas dzelzceļa līnijas (EDzL), responsible for the construction of the Rail Baltica railway project in Latvia.

Deforestation is currently underway in the vicinity of Ietsawa, and construction work may begin in the second half of summer.

The construction of the Rail Baltica highway will be carried out in stages, the first stage will be put into operation in the Bauska region near Ietsava, where the Rail Baltica infrastructure maintenance point will be located in the future.

The infrastructure service point will occupy an area of about 16.5 hectares and will serve as a base for construction logistics during construction, providing communication with the existing railway network of 1520 millimeters in order to maximize the use of the railway for the transportation of construction materials and equipment.