From June 1, the Ashgabat - Avaza - Ashgabat bus route will be launched


«Awtomobil ulag hyzmaty» JSC has been launching the daily bus route Ashgabat – Avaza – Ashgabat since June 1.

The route will connect the Ashgabat International Bus Station and the Avaza NTZ.

Buses will run daily according to the following schedule:

Ashgabat-Avaza - from the International Bus Station located on A.Niyazov Avenue 422 at 06:00;

Avaza-Ashgabat – from the parking lot located on Elkenli Street in the NTZ "Avaza" at 13:00.

The ticket price will be 75 manats.

Contacts for communication:

Phone numbers: 44-35-30; 44-35-20



Now tourists and residents of Turkmenistan can easily plan their trip to the seaside resort.