The CIS has approved a plan for the optimization and development of international transport corridors


The action plan for optimizing infrastructure and developing international transport corridors passing through the territories of the CIS member states for the period up to 2030 was approved at a meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States held in Ashgabat on May 24, 2024.

The Action Plan was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Economic Development Strategy of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the period up to 2030, Priority Areas of cooperation between the Commonwealth States in the field of transport for the period up to 2030 and in accordance with the Agreement on the Coordinated Development of International Transport Corridors Passing through the Territory of the CIS member States.

The document is aimed at expanding and deepening cooperation between the transport ministries and departments of the CIS countries in the development of international transport corridors through the implementation of agreed measures to improve their functioning.

The action plan is aimed at creating conditions for ensuring guaranteed transport accessibility of territories during the development of the CIS MTK, eliminating bottlenecks in the directions of their network, advancing the development of the CIS MTK in the directions of the largest and most stable cargo flows, as well as achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals in terms of transport.

One of the basic elements of the Action Plan is the functional synchronization of the development and use of the infrastructure of the MTK CIS of various modes of transport. In this context, of course, priority should be given to the creation of multi–purpose infrastructure facilities - transport and logistics centers.

The implementation of the activities of the Action Plan, interaction and coordination on its basis of the activities of national transport administrations, interested departments and businesses will ensure the most effective use of the capabilities of the MTK CIS, will create conditions for increasing their competitiveness, attracting cargo flows, realizing the transport and transit potential of the CIS member states and ensure the most effective use of the capabilities of the MTK CIS in the interests of socio-economic development.economic development of the CIS member states.