Expert: parallel imports are being replaced by their own trademarks


Parallel import volumes are falling due to the inability to prove the originality of products, so retailers are starting to create their own brands. This was stated at the Upgrade Logistics conference by Arkady Markarian, an e-commerce consultant. – Roughly speaking, you can buy one Nike sneaker, disassemble it into patterns. Then come to small manufacturers in Turkey, China, Indonesia or India and say: "Make the same one." It will be copied, but it will no longer be a copy of Nike, but a CM, which may be slightly inferior in characteristics to the original. And a lot of companies are moving in this direction now," the expert explains. In addition, Arkady Markarian notes several other problems associated with parallel imports. One of them is that friendly countries – Kazakhstan, Armenia, Turkey – have been setting very difficult conditions for the transit of goods across their border for the last six months.