The Central Election Commission announced the start of the election campaign


The meeting of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan on April 25 was devoted to the preparation for the elections of deputies of the Mejlis in constituencies No. 1 "Garaşsyzlyk", No. 2 "Bitaraplyk" and No. 6 "Köpetdag" of Ashgabat city instead of those who left early.

It was attended by members of the Central Election Commission, employees of the Central Election Commission, representatives of working groups established under the CEC, responsible persons for national observers from political parties and public organizations, and the media. The issues of the upcoming socio-political action have been put on the agenda. Thus, the elections of deputies of Parliament to replace those who left early according to the Resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan are scheduled for Sunday, July 7, 2024.

The members of the Central Election Commission discussed and approved an action plan designed to ensure the election campaign and the holding of elections at a high organizational level. According to the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, the decision of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan announced the start of the election campaign on April 26, 2024.

The nomination of candidates will take place from May 8 to June 6. Registration will be carried out from May 18 to June 11. The CEC members were informed about the work being done to prepare for this socio-political action.

It was noted that the implementation of the principles of democracy is ensured on the basis of the current electoral legislation, the national traditions of popular democracy that have developed over many centuries, modern technologies for organizing and conducting elections, equality of rights of voters and candidates, and ensuring the free expression of citizens' will. In this regard, one of the primary tasks is to ensure transparency and a broad alternative to elections.

At the CEC meeting, taking into account the reports made and proceeding from further tasks for the conduct of elections, other organizational issues were considered, on which appropriate decisions were taken.