Towards deepening international youth cooperation


The international scientific and practical conference "Scientific views of students in the era of the Renaissance of a new era of a powerful state" was held today at the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas.

Teachers, professors, as well as numerous students from universities of Turkmenistan and a number of foreign countries who took part in the II Open International Olympiad in Informatics OIOIUS-2024, held within the walls of this prestigious university, were invited to participate in the forum, held in a hybrid format.

The current conference and the exhibition organized within its framework have become one of the important events of the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Makhtumkuli Fraga", held in order to successfully solve the tasks defined in the "Strategy for International Cooperation of Youth of Turkmenistan for 2023-2030".

Following its international commitments, our country aims to deepen constructive partnership in the basic areas of global development. One of them is the international cooperation of young people who are actively involved in building a bright future for the planet.

As it was emphasized in the speeches of the forum participants, in Turkmenistan, as in many countries, young people are increasingly coming to the forefront, making an invaluable contribution to achieving high goals and objectives aimed at further prosperity of the Motherland, increasing its authority on the world stage, ensuring the well-being of their native people.

As you know, the formation of a spirited, highly educated, intellectually and physically developed young generation, true patriots of the Motherland, was and remains one of the strategic tasks of state development in the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state.

In order to strengthen the legal framework of the work carried out in this area, a fundamental document was developed and adopted in a new edition – the Law of Turkmenistan "On State Youth Policy", and for the successful solution of the tasks outlined in it, the State Program in the field of State youth policy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and an Action Plan for its implementation were approved.

This was another indication that our country is making a great contribution to the successful implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals aimed at addressing a range of issues related to youth.

Turkmenistan creates all favorable conditions for the formation, development and personal growth of young Turkmen citizens, expanding opportunities for the maximum realization of their intellectual, creative and spiritual potential, active participation of young people in the socio-political, socio-economic and cultural life of the country.

Today, talented students successfully demonstrate their knowledge and skills at art festivals and sports competitions, creative contests, and various subject Olympiads.

Thus, students of universities of Turkmenistan showed high results at the II Open International Olympiad in Informatics OIOIUS-2024 held recently at the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas.

Students enrolled in specialty, bachelor's and master's degree programs from more than 50 universities from near and far abroad competed for the title of the best in this intellectual competition.

At the first stage of the Olympiad, its participants were offered 5 tasks for solving various practical problems in programming languages specified in the list approved by the Organizing Committee.

At the second stage, there is a technical task for a comprehensive solution of cybersecurity tasks.

All tasks were developed by a working group consisting of domestic and foreign professors, teachers and specialists and coordinated with the jury members.

To check the work of the programs created by the participants, special software developed by the teachers of the Institute was used.

At the end of the conference, the ceremony of awarding the winners of the International Olympiad with medals and diplomas took place.

In a solemn atmosphere, the Olympic medalists were presented with valuable gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Expressing appreciation for the high organizational level of this important intellectual competition, the participants of the Olympiad emphasized its unconditional importance for the development of international youth cooperation.

According to the general opinion, holding such events, along with strengthening our country's position in the global scientific and educational space, will increase the social activity and desire of Turkmen youth - builders of the future of the Motherland – for advanced sciences and knowledge, and will also facilitate the establishment of close contacts and mutual exchange of views on topical issues of our time with their peers due to the frontier.

Thus, during their stay in the hospitable Turkmen land, foreign students were familiarized with the modern conditions created for the education of our youth, the organization of work in higher educational institutions of the country, and the sights of white marble Ashgabat.

In this regard, it was emphasized the need to encourage existing mutual interest and actively promote broad cultural and scientific exchange on a systematic basis, which will directly contribute to increasing mutual understanding and trust between the peoples of the planet.

Expressing confidence that the current forum will be an important step towards strengthening constructive international dialogue, the participants expressed sincere gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero Arkadag for their multifaceted activities aimed at ensuring peace, sustainable development, and expanding international, including youth, cooperation.

A creative gift for the participants and guests of the forum was the performance of a song and music group of students of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International University of Oil and Gas.

The participants of the International Olympiad and the scientific and Practical conference accepted a letter of thanks to the President of Turkmenistan.