Turkmen Bank to introduce Internet Banking and Mobile Banking services


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which the most important issues of public life were considered.

During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Khojamyrat Geldimyradov reported on practical steps taken to improve the settlement and payment systems of credit institutions and increase the range of digital banking services.

In this regard, it was reported on the work to improve the quality of remote banking services and increase the volume of non-cash payments by expanding the range of services. The Deputy Prime Minister presented the proposal of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Rysgal on the commissioning of the Internet Banking and Mobile Banking systems and informed about their capabilities.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that in accordance with the State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, special attention is paid to increasing the share of non-cash payments. To do this, it is necessary to consistently improve payment systems and regularly expand the range of digital banking services.

Having approved the submitted proposal, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out appropriate work on the introduction of modern banking systems for individuals in the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Rysgal