Ashgabat Automobile Enterprise offers cargo transportation services


In the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, as a result of the tireless care and ongoing activities of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the material and technical base of the country's transport sector is constantly being strengthened.

This is of great importance for providing reliable and high-quality transport services to the population of the country. In order to promptly solve these important tasks, the Ashgabat Automobile Enterprise of the Turkmenavtolaglary Agency offers cargo transportation services on vehicles described below.

1. Kamaz-6520 - 20.00 tons

2. Volvo F12 - 24.00 tons

3. Renault - 27.00 tons

4. Mercedes-Benz - 24.00 tons

5. Iveco - 24.00 tons

6. Semi-trailer - 18.50 tons

7. Kamaz 5490 (without trailer) - 30,00 tons

8. Kamaz 5490 and NefAZ-93341 (tent semi-trailer) - 30,00 tons

9. NefAZ-93341 (tent semi-trailer) - 30,00 tons

10. Maral (cement trailer) - 27.00 tons

Contact phone number :

+99312 76-04-36.