The President of Turkmenistan presented modern passenger buses to our people


On May 22, with the participation of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a solemn ceremony was held for the commissioning of a new important facility – the Bagtyyarlyk water treatment plant with a capacity of 150 thousand cubic meters of water per day. 

After the completion of the official part of the ceremony, the head of state solemnly handed over the keys to the new passenger buses, which will provide high-quality service to residents and guests of Turkmenistan.

This important event showed that taking care of people and their living conditions is a priority in our country. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the material and technical base of the Avtomobil uaz hyzmaty production park has been replenished with new and modern passenger buses of medium and small class. These buses will create great opportunities to improve transport services for the residents of the velayat. This event reflects the constant desire of the State to improve the living conditions of its citizens and further progress of the country as a whole.