Rosstandart has created a separate "logistics committee"


Rosstandart has created a new Technical Committee for Standardization "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" (TC 490). The corresponding order (ist.) is published on the department's website.

The new government agency is designed to bring together all participants in supply chains to develop national standards for interaction in the organization of end-to-end transport and logistics services in the context of the digital transformation of the industry.

In addition, the committee will work on the development and updating of regulatory and technical documents, as well as their implementation into the National Digital Transport and Logistics Platform. Thus, according to Rosstandart, it is possible to ensure optimal speed and cost of cargo transportation by all modes of transport without reducing the level of safety and quality of service.

The participants of the Technical Committee for Standardization included representatives of JSC "Russian Railways Logistics", JSC "First Port Company", GK Delo, LLC "Postal Logistics Company", GC FESCO, PJSC "Far Eastern Shipping Company". Also, members of professional associations will take part in the work of the new body, including the Association for the Development of the Logistics Market "Community of Top Managers of Logistics Companies", the Union of Railway Market Participants, the SRO Union of Railway Transport Operators, the Transport Science Association, the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Situational Information Center of the Ministry of Transport of Russia" and others.