The Russia-Central Asia-Caucasus Working Group held its first meeting in 2024


The first agenda of the meeting was a presentation of the current statistics of the Russia-Central Asia-Caucasus region for 2024 by UND statistics and data analysis specialist Jansu Kyryk, as well as an assessment of the volume of regional transportation and exports.


Subsequently, Mukhammet Kulal Khologlu, an analyst of EU countries and transitional documents, shared with the participants of his presentation an analysis of the use of transitional documents in the Russia-Central Asia-Caucasus region in 2024.


Following the meeting, Selim Jan Sazak, CEO of Sanda Global, shared with the members of the Working Group a presentation on the impact of EU-US sanctions against Russia and Belarus on the regional economy and their overall assessment.


The members of the Working Group appreciated the agenda of the upcoming meeting of KUKK Turkiye Kyrgyzstan and their transfer to Kazakhstan.


Additional agendas of the meeting included the Organization of Turkic States, a proposal to organize a conference in Aktau or Baku, at which all transport associations of the Turkic world will come together as part of the task of creating National Transport Associations TDT.