On the occasion of the approaching Night of Omnipotence, the President of Turkmenistan pardoned 356 convicts


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a decree on the occasion of the upcoming Gadyr gijesi (Night of Omnipotence) on pardoning 356 citizens of Turkmenistan convicted of crimes committed, but regretting what they did and sincerely repenting of it.

Guided by the principles of mercy and humanism bequeathed to us by our great ancestors, in order to further strengthen the unity and cohesion of the Turkmen society and each family, as well as on the occasion of the sacred Gadyr gijesi, the head of state signed a corresponding decree today during a Cabinet meeting, the information program "Watan" of Turkmen television reported.

According to the document, the pardoned "are released from further serving the main sentence in the form of imprisonment."