Our children and youth should never forget that the state always stands behind them like an impregnable rock


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent a congratulatory message to the participants of the conference on the occasion of the establishment of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care.

Dear participants of the conference!

Dear guests!

I sincerely congratulate you on the third anniversary of the establishment of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Helping Children in Need of Guardianship, as well as on the start of the conference "Türkmen halkynyń Milli Lideriniń ynsanperwerlige esaslanýan taryhy başlangyçlary: howandarlygy we çagalara mähirli garaýşyön nusgalyk tejribesi"!

From time immemorial, Turkmens have attached great importance to the physical and spiritual health of the younger generation, the upbringing of the best human qualities, sanity, prudence and hard work, and their commitment to family traditions. These noble principles of our valiant ancestors have been perfected and enriched over many centuries, passed down from generation to generation. Today, in the era of the Rebirth of a new era of a powerful state, the ancient traditions that laid the foundation for our unity, folk wisdom, and family schools have found a worthy continuation.

Guided by national principles – humanism and the desire to help the disadvantaged, the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care does everything necessary for children and adolescents left without parental care or persons replacing them, and for their comprehensive development. These measures are designed to ensure a prosperous and happy life for representatives of the younger generation and to educate their personality.

Dear friends!

Dear compatriots!

As the Hero Arkadag notes, joy and pride in human hearts, as well as the pursuit of virtue, are determined by the indestructible foundation of statehood, abundance and prosperity in the country, manifested in the people of our sovereign Homeland. Based on this, we educate young people with all those qualities that are necessary for a happy life of mankind – nobility, intelligence, restraint and modesty, humanity, mutual assistance.

At all times, our people treated children with special warmth and awe, gave them all the best. As part of the first stage of the city of Arkadag, we opened the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center, which allowed us to significantly expand charitable activities to help children in need of care.

Since the Foundation was established, hundreds of operations have been performed in medical centers for children in need of treatment and care.

It is very important to take care of children and adolescents and pay special attention to them. The establishment of the Council of Elders under the Khalk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan and the Foundation is of great importance in the support, protection and guardianship of children, which is an attribute of national traditions.

In the future, the state intends to develop other measures in the field of social protection of children in accordance with national legislation, since we see a bright future of the Motherland in their faces illuminated by happiness. Every business, every grandiose undertaking is designed to ensure a prosperous future for our pride – children shining with joy.

Dear compatriots!

Turkmenistan is known all over the world as a country of happy childhood, where the most cherished dreams come true. The high assessment by foreign representatives of the activities of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Children in Need of Care, created on the initiative of the Hero Arkadaga, is evidence of the successful implementation of a humane state policy.

Such a high authority of Turkmenistan in the international arena is due to the positive state policy aimed at taking care of citizens, especially children. The comprehensive assistance and support of the state to children in need of care is dictated by their interests.

In our country, children are surrounded by special care and attention, and this will continue to be the case, because in them we see a bright future for the Motherland. Our children and youth should never forget that the state always stands behind them like an impregnable rock and cares about their future.

Dear friends!

Dear compatriots!

Once again, I cordially congratulate you on the third anniversary of the establishment of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Helping Children in Need of Care!

I wish you good health, a happy life and great success in your work for the prosperity of the independent Motherland and a happy life for our future – the younger generation!