The President of Turkmenistan sent a congratulatory message to the participants of the international tourism conference


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov has sent a congratulatory message to the participants of the International Conference "Main directions and potential of tourism development in Turkmenistan".

The Head of State expressed firm confidence that the Ashgabat Forum will be an important step in the development of international cooperation between tourism organizations of the world.

"In the era of the Rebirth of a new era of a powerful state, our neutral Homeland is consistently expanding constructive partnership with various countries. The development of international cooperation in the field of tourism also plays an important role in Turkmenistan's foreign policy. Our independent state is actively increasing its dialogue with the World Tourism Organization, the World Federation of Tourist Cities and foreign tour operators.

The regular holding of the International Conference "Main directions and potential of tourism development in Turkmenistan" is of great importance in the further development of this sphere, strengthening cooperation with countries of the world, exchanging experience, establishing business ties with partners," President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed.

The Head of State also noted that large-scale state programs for the development of tourism enhance the global authority of neutral Turkmenistan and find broad support from the international community. The tourism industry of our country is developing on the basis of progressive achievements, rich experience, and modern trends in international tourism.

In his message, the President of Turkmenistan placed special emphasis on the fact that the holding of this international conference coincides with the launch ceremony of events on the occasion of the proclamation by the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) of the city of Anau as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. Anau occupies a unique place in the glorious history of the Turkmen people. This city plays an important role in popularizing the ancient culture of Turkmenistan, national values, traditions and customs of our people in the world.

The Head of State cordially congratulated the participants on the start of the International Conference "Main directions and potential of tourism development in Turkmenistan" and wished them good health, great success in the development of the tourism industry!