The Turkmen Foreign Minister held talks with his Italian counterpart in Rome


On March 20, 2024, talks were held in Rome between Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov and his Italian counterpart Antonio Tajani, the website of the Turkmen diplomatic agency reported.

The sides discussed a wide range of issues related to the development of bilateral relations in the political, economic and cultural spheres. The positive interaction between Turkmenistan and Italy within the framework of international organizations, in particular the UN, was noted.

Special attention was paid to the issues of trade and economic cooperation. The parties expressed interest in implementing new joint projects in the fields of energy, transport, textile industry and agriculture.

Within the framework of the meeting, a Program of cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and Italy for 2024-2025 was signed.

The program provides for the expansion of cooperation in the field of diplomacy, consular issues, security, education, science and culture.

In addition, Meredov and Tajani exchanged views on topical issues on the international and regional agenda.