Festive concert on the occasion of the inauguration of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov


March 19 marked two years since President Serdar Berdimuhamedov assumed the highest state post. The fateful inauguration day for the Turkmen people has become a special milestone in the history of the independent neutral Motherland, marking the irreversibility of the democratic transformations launched in our country, which has centuries-old traditions of genuine democracy.

As you know, millions of our compatriots, using constitutional law and fulfilling their civic duty, on the principles of transparency and openness, on a broad alternative basis, in accordance with current national legislation and generally recognized norms of international law, voted for the head of the Turkmen state Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

On the occasion of the second anniversary of the inauguration of the President of Turkmenistan, a concert of masters of arts was held at the Aşgabat Song and Music center.

Numerous spectators gathered in the hall. Among them are members of the Government and the Khalk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, heads and representatives of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, public organizations, heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, venerable elders, representatives of scientific and creative intelligentsia, universities, mass media, and students.

The masters of arts of the country prepared their creative gifts for the significant event, presenting a large concert program to the guests.

The magnificent overture of the concert was the literary and musical composition "Arkadagly Serdar, biz Sizien bilen!". This vivid mini-performance is a reflection of the high feelings of pride and happiness felt by Turkmen people for an independent, neutral Homeland entering a new era of its development.

The creative evening continued with performances by popular performers of folk and pop songs, musical ensembles and folklore groups, which were accompanied by video footage demonstrating the great achievements of the modern sovereign Turkmen state.

High spiritual elevation and emotional mood reign under the arches of the magnificent hall. The compositions presented by the artists "Täze eýýam – halkyön bagty", "Döwletli döwran", "Watanym" embodied the love of the Motherland, inspiration and high patriotic spirit of the Turkmen people, their commitment to the principles of peacefulness and creativity.

With stormy applause, the audience greeted the virtuoso performance of the drummers of the Arçabil group, who performed the festive musical composition "Toý bu gün" in an incendiary pop rhythm, dedicated to their beloved Homeland, peace, progress and prosperity.

The performances of the State Dance Ensemble of Turkmenistan, the folklore group "Serpaý" and the choreographic groups "Näzli", "Galkynyş", "Aşgabat", "Meñli" were saturated with the spirit of national traditions combined with modern trends and vividly reflected the connection between the past and the present.

Standing, the hall received a standing ovation with the patriotic song "Arkadagly Gahryman Serdar bilen!", which became a powerful final chord of the concert, praising our independent Motherland, in which, thanks to the progressive policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, grandiose transformations are being carried out for the benefit of the people and the further prosperity of Turkmenistan.