Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

On November 1, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, at which various issues related to the life of our country were considered.
The first speaker was the Chairman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, who informed about the ongoing work on further improvement of legislation.
In accordance with the requirements of the time, new laws are being developed that determine the current and future development of the country, amendments and additions are being made to a number of existing legislative acts in accordance with generally recognized norms of international law.
There was also information about increasing cooperation with parliaments of foreign countries. In particular, representatives of the Mejlis took part in the meeting of the Turkmen-Turkish Interparliamentary Friendship Group held in the Republic of Turkey. During the meetings held during the visit, an exchange of views took place on improving the work of parliamentary friendship groups, enhancing ties between committees, young deputies and women parliamentarians, regular interparliamentary meetings and consultations.
In addition, it was reported that the delegation of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan took part in the seminar "Joint efforts for deepening harmony and joint development", which was held within the framework of the conference of deputies of Parliaments of Central Asia and Pacific Island States organized by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China.
It was also noted that the deputies of the national Parliament speak in the media and take part in events, including those dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the classic poet Magtymguly Pyragy, explaining to the general public the key goals of state policy, the essence and content of the adopted legal acts.
After hearing the information, the Head of state stressed the importance of further improving the country's legislation in accordance with the requirements of the time. At the same time, the need for effective work on the preparation of draft laws designed to promote the comprehensive development and strengthening of the economy of our state was noted.
Then the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H.Geldimyradov, who, anticipating the report, cordially congratulated the head of state on the 31st anniversary of the introduction of the national currency – the manat. Expressing sincere gratitude for the congratulatory Address addressed to employees of the banking sector and the entire people of the country, the Deputy Prime Minister expressed his best wishes to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.
Then they reported on the progress of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, as well as on the steps being taken to establish fruitful cooperation and exchange experience with foreign partners in this area.
In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the issue of holding an international business forum on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of cooperation between our country and Visa (USA), which is proposed to be organized on November 27 this year. Issues of strategic partnership with this company, as well as the development of advanced technologies and innovations of the international payment system will be on its agenda.
Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in the process of introducing the digital economy in our country, great importance is attached to establishing cooperation and sharing experience with international organizations and foreign countries.
Having approved the proposal to hold an international business forum in the capital in November on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of cooperation between Turkmenistan and this company, the head of state instructed to ensure its high organizational level.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Amanov reported on the ongoing work to improve the living conditions of employees of the State Concern Turkmennebit.
As reported, for this purpose, it is planned to build 4 four-storey residential buildings with 40 apartments in the city of Turkmenbashi, Balkan province.
In this context, for the successful implementation of the Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and investments for 2024, the Deputy Prime Minister appealed to the head of state with a request for permission to prepare a draft of the relevant document.
Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that modern residential buildings are constantly being built in the country in order to improve the social and living conditions of citizens.
Having approved the proposal to build residential buildings for employees of the State Concern Turkmennebit in the city of Turkmenbashi in the Balkan province, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to take appropriate measures in this direction.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhalliyev reported on the work being carried out in the supervised industry, as well as on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the velayats of the country.
As noted, in order to lay the wheat harvest for the coming year, wheat sowing is carried out at the final stage. Vegetation irrigation is carried out on the sown areas.
Appropriate measures are also being taken to harvest cotton, and rice in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, and sugar beet in Mary Velayat.
Effective measures are currently being taken to harvest winter food crops, transport them to cold storage facilities, and provide markets with these products.
Purposeful work is underway in the country to increase the number of livestock and increase the volume of livestock products. In accordance with this, appropriate measures are being taken in the livestock farms of the regions to harvest feed and take care of crops of feed alfalfa and barley.
In order to turn the country into a blooming oasis, create forest zones and properly care for planted tree seedlings, preparations are underway for the start of the autumn tree planting campaign, as well as organizing events on the occasion of the Harvest Festival, celebrated annually on the second Sunday of November and glorifying the fertility of the generous Turkmen land.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of continuing the comprehensive development and strengthening of the material and technical base of the agricultural sector, the organized completion of the final stage of wheat sowing, as well as the proper implementation of measures to harvest cotton, rice and sugar beet.
The Head of State also drew attention to the importance of continuing work to increase the number of livestock in the country.
Stressing the need for proper preparation for the autumn season for planting trees and holding events on the occasion of the Harvest Festival at a high level, the President of Turkmenistan gave the Deputy Prime Minister relevant instructions.
Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Annamammedov reported on the work carried out by the State Concern "Turkmenhimiyya" on the effective use of local raw materials, as well as increasing the production of the Guwlyduz combine.
Anticipating the report, the Deputy Prime Minister, on behalf of the employees of the supervised sphere, cordially congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag on the Day of Workers of the Construction and Industrial Complex, wishing good health, longevity and success in their activities for the benefit of the people and the country.
During the meeting, the Deputy head of Government said that in order to establish modern production lines for the production of various salts that are in demand and competitive on the world market, as well as the production of raw materials in the country for the subsequent production of medical salt by Arkadag Medisina Klasteri Menejment in accordance with international standards, it is necessary to provide environmentally friendly salt of high quality.
In connection with the above, a corresponding proposal was submitted to the Head of State for consideration.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the ongoing work on the creation of modern plants for the production of various types of environmentally friendly high-quality salts, which are in great demand on the world market.
In this regard, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to work out in detail the issue of building a new plant for the production of high-quality salt as part of the Guwlyduz combine of the State Concern Turkmenhimiýa.
Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Atdaev reported on the ongoing work to strengthen the material and technical base of the Ministry of Textile Industry.
As reported, effective measures have been taken to ensure the smooth operation of equipment, especially cars owned by enterprises of this ministry.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov supported the prepared proposal to strengthen the material and technical base of enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan and instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out appropriate work in this direction.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammadova reported on the preparations for the Gorkut ata International Film Festival, which is scheduled to be held in Ashgabat from November 13 to 15 this year.
The opening and closing ceremonies of the International Film Festival and the awarding of laureates are planned to be organized at the Mukam Palace of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan.
It was also reported that a meeting of cinematographers of the TURKSOY member states is scheduled to be held at the Aşgabat hotel. The demonstration of films from the participating countries of the festival will take place at the Ashgabat Cinema, the Turkmenistan and Watan cinema and concert centers. In addition, it is planned to hold master classes for students with the participation of foreign cinematographers at the Turkmen State Institute of Culture.
Excursions to the sights of the capital and its surroundings will be organized for foreign guests.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of events contributing to the enrichment of cultural diversity and spiritual rapprochement of the Turkic peoples. In this regard, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to ensure a high organizational level of preparation and holding of the Gorkut Ata International Film Festival.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Orazdurdiyeva, who then spoke, reported on the preparations for the International Tennis Tournament "Ashgabat Open 2024" among boys and girls under 14 years old, which will be held at the Tennis Complex of the capital's Olympic town from November 8 to 17 this year.
As noted, the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Physical Culture and Sports has established a working group, which includes representatives of relevant ministries and departments, and approved a plan of relevant activities.
Based on the experience gained during the major international sports competitions held in the country, preparatory work is underway related to the organization of upcoming competitions at a high level.
The international tournament is expected to be attended by 70 athletes (37 boys and 33 girls) and sports delegations from 12 countries, including Turkey, India, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Great Britain, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
The athletes who won prizes in this prestigious competition will be awarded souvenirs, medals of the International Tennis Federation and relevant certificates.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the effectiveness of the work carried out to develop sports in the country and increase the international sports authority of the Motherland, where all conditions have been created for holding sports competitions of various levels.
Stressing the importance of the International Tennis tournament "Ashgabat Open 2024", the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to ensure a high level of the upcoming competitions and the training of domestic athletes taking part in them.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on Turkmenistan's international cooperation to achieve the goals of the Global Methane Commitment.
In this regard, it was noted that in the implementation of the foreign policy of the Motherland, one of the priorities is the successful fulfillment of the country's international obligations in the field of the global climate change agenda. In this context, an initiative was highlighted to work with the global community to reduce methane emissions.
As you know, at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-28), held in Dubai (UAE) from November 30 to December 12, 2023, Turkmenistan's accession to the Global Methane Obligation (GMP) was officially announced. Based on this, a draft Roadmap has been prepared to strengthen our country's international cooperation in order to achieve the goals and objectives provided for by GMP for 2025-2026.
The roadmap confirms Turkmenistan's goals to reduce methane emissions by 2030 through the radical modernization of the energy sector and the implementation of other appropriate measures, thereby contributing to the efforts of the world community in this area.
To implement the Roadmap, close cooperation is envisaged with reputable international structures, in particular, with the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, other specialized agencies of the United Nations, with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, etc.
At the same time, Turkmenistan attaches great importance to direct participation in the activities of the MARS digital platform, created within the framework of the United Nations Environment Programme.
In order to implement the Roadmap, a set of measures to reduce methane emissions in 2025-2026 is also planned. These include: holding scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars, etc., together with various international organizations, continuing cooperation with foreign companies to solve the tasks set in this area, drawing up feasibility studies for projects on processing and using associated gas through the introduction of innovative and energy-saving technologies, etc.
It is also proposed to publish information on the steps Turkmenistan is taking to reduce methane emissions in national and international media.
In this context, the drafts of the above-mentioned Roadmap and a set of measures for its implementation were submitted for consideration by the Head of State.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that Turkmenistan is taking a responsible approach to its participation in solving international tasks to combat climate change. Noting the need to continue to increase our country's contribution to global efforts to reduce methane emissions, to continue active cooperation with foreign partners and international organizations in this area, the head of state gave the Deputy Prime Minister, the head of the Foreign Ministry relevant instructions.
Then the Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on the preparations for the XVII International Exhibition and Scientific Conference "Turkmentel – 2024" on November 14-16.
As noted, the international exhibition and scientific conference is expected to be attended by heads and representatives of a number of international organizations and more than 150 product manufacturers and software developers, as well as over 60 foreign and local companies. At the exhibition, these companies will present their achievements in the digital economy, cybersecurity and information protection, telecommunications, information and computer technologies, satellite communications equipment, 5G standards for cellular communications and other areas.
Also, within the framework of the International Exhibition and Scientific Conference, the agency "Turkmenaragatnaşyk" together with the Universal Postal Union is planning to hold a training seminar "Digital information in the postal system".
As noted, within the framework of the event of international importance, the results of the next competition of innovative projects "Digital Solution – 2024" will be summed up and an award ceremony will be held for its winners.
After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction that work on the introduction of innovative and digital technologies is currently being successfully carried out in our country.
Stressing that the XVII International Exhibition and Scientific Conference "Turkmentel – 2024" will be of great importance in the implementation of advanced innovative technologies and strengthening international cooperation in this direction, the Head of state instructed the head of the Agency to prepare well for the planned events of international importance and hold them at a high level.
Then President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed the members of the Government, recalling that on November 3, the Day of Workers of the Construction and Industrial Complex will be widely celebrated in the country.
As noted, the construction and industrial complex is one of the main sectors of the national economy. Industry workers make their worthy contribution to the country's achievements. Taking this opportunity, the Head of state cordially congratulated everyone on the Day of Workers of the Construction and Industrial complex.
The meeting also considered a number of other issues of public life, on which appropriate decisions were taken.
Concluding the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished all its participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work for the prosperity of the sovereign Motherland.