To dog breeders, supporters of Turkmen Alabai, and the native people of Independent Neutral Turkmenistan

Dear compatriots!
Respected dog breeders!
I warmly congratulate you on the World Congress in the year "The Treasury of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy" and the celebration of the Turkmen Alabai – the national treasure of our people! I wish you great success in the noble activity of breeding and raising outstanding Turkmen Alabais, known for their fearlessness, sensitivity, and intelligence – the pride and national heritage of our people, and in promoting them worldwide, as well as in the gradual development of the art of dog breeding!
The Turkmen Alabai is one of the oldest breeds, a treasure of our courageous people and its national heritage, with roots going back centuries. Their global fame is growing thanks to their loyalty to their owner, vigilance, bravery, and courage.
Respected dog breeders!
In the era of the Renaissance of the new epoch of the powerful state, all conditions are created to present the national art of dog breeding, the foundations of which were laid in ancient times. To develop this field in the country, the International Association "Türkmen alabaý itleri" was established, which creates opportunities for expanding international cooperation in these directions worldwide.
In our homeland, extensive work is being done to train specialized professionals. On the territory of the international organizations "Türkmen alabaý itleri," all conditions are created for international competitions. In the velayats and the city of Ashgabat, constructions adhere to international recommendations for Turkmen Alabai centers, according to which the country's dog breeders organize their activities in accordance with modern requirements.
Currently, Turkmen dog breeders are doing significant work to preserve the purity of the Alabai breed – our national pride, to promote their global fame. Our state will continue to pay special attention to the development of dog breeding, mutually beneficial cooperation and exchange of experience with other states, establishing fruitful international partnerships, and ensuring the working and living conditions of the dog population in the country.
Respected dog breeders!
The purebred Alabais, nurtured by our ancestors over many centuries and becoming a universal value, have been tested as the best of all existing dog breeds on earth. Being a close friend and companion of humans, Turkmen Alabais have become a source of pride for our people.
The friendship and loyalty between people and Alabais are reflected in the works of our classical literature. In Alabais – the best examples of national selection – our courageous ancestors noted such traits as bravery, courage, and loyalty to humans. Turkmen Alabais are the grace of our ancient land, symbols and guardians of the sacred Turkmen hearth, an incomparable national pride.
Dear compatriots!
Respected dog breeders!
Once again, I warmly congratulate you on the widely celebrated Turkmen Alabai Day in our independent country, whose fame has spread worldwide.
I wish you good health, longevity, family prosperity, and great success in the development and emergence of Turkmen dog breeding art!
President of Turkmenistan
Serdar Berdimuhamedov.