The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting

On October 21, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahalliyev and the heads of the country's regions. The agenda included reviewing the progress of work in the agricultural sector and regions, as well as the National Rural Program.
The first report was given by the head of the administration of Ahal region, S. Soltanmyradov, who reported on the pace of seasonal agricultural campaigns. It was reported that the cotton harvest is proceeding in an organized manner with the proper use of technical resources: everything necessary is being done to harvest the crop without losses. Efforts are also being made to optimally complete the wheat sowing according to the agricultural calendar – machinery and equipment are working at full capacity, and vegetative irrigation is being carried out in the sown fields. Heating systems at enterprises, institutions, educational institutions, preschools, housing, and social facilities in the region have been launched, and their proper functioning is being maintained. The head of the regional administration informed about the preparations for the celebrations on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday, as well as the pace of construction of social and industrial infrastructure facilities, which are scheduled to be completed this year according to the National Rural Program. Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to ensure the proper organization of measures for the optimal cotton harvest in the fields and the completion of wheat sowing within the established agricultural deadlines.
Separate instructions concerned maintaining control over the timely and quality completion of the construction of buildings scheduled to open this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.
Next, the head of the Balkan region, H. Ashyrmyradov, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural activities. It was noted that targeted measures are being coordinated with relevant departments and enterprises to increase the pace of the cotton harvest and collect the crop without losses, ensure uninterrupted transportation, and subsequent acceptance of raw cotton by relevant points and enterprises. For optimal wheat sowing, the machinery and equipment involved in the campaign are being used at full capacity, and vegetative irrigation is being carried out in the sown fields to obtain uniform seedlings. At the same time, heating systems at enterprises and institutions, schools and kindergartens, social facilities, and residential buildings have been launched, and uninterrupted electricity, gas, and water supply is being ensured. The head of the regional administration informed about the preparations for upcoming significant dates, including the Turkmen Alabay Holiday, and the progress of work on new social and industrial infrastructure facilities scheduled to be commissioned this year according to the National Rural Program.
After hearing the report and noting the importance of the current seasonal field campaigns, the head of state instructed to ensure the quality completion of the cotton harvest and wheat sowing.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also instructed to keep the pace of construction of various facilities, scheduled to open this year in accordance with the National Rural Program, under control.
The working meeting continued with a report by the head of the Dashoguz region, D. Babayev, on the progress of seasonal work in the agricultural sector. It was reported that all efforts are being made to speed up the cotton harvest without losses, making maximum use of agricultural machinery in the campaign. At the same time, the dynamics of wheat sowing are being ensured according to the agricultural schedule. Moisture-charging irrigation has been fully completed on the areas allocated for grain crops, and uniform seedlings have been obtained in the sown areas.
In addition, the rice harvest continues in the region. In light of the approaching cold weather, heating systems in social and residential facilities have been launched, and their proper functioning is being maintained. Information was also provided on preparations for cultural and mass events on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday, and the status of new social and industrial facilities scheduled to be commissioned this year according to the National Rural Program. Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to speed up the cotton harvest, ensure the coordination of all those involved in it, and complete the wheat sowing according to the agricultural calendar.
The head of state also instructed to monitor compliance with quality requirements in the construction of various facilities scheduled to be commissioned this year according to the National Rural Program.
Next, the head of the Lebap region, M. Annanepesov, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural activities. The head of the regional administration informed about the measures being taken to optimize the collection and subsequent delivery of harvested cotton to raw cotton reception points. It was reported that the proper functioning of machinery and equipment is being maintained for these purposes. The grain sowing continues, and vegetative irrigation is being carried out in the sown fields in a timely manner. At the same time, everything necessary is being done to complete the rice harvest and its delivery to the state as soon as possible. In addition, heating systems in facilities in the region – in educational and cultural institutions, public facilities, and residential buildings – have been launched, and their proper functioning is being ensured.
The head of the regional administration also reported on preparations for the celebrations on the occasion of the upcoming Turkmen Alabay Holiday on the last Sunday of October and the status of new social and industrial infrastructure facilities scheduled to be commissioned this year according to the National Rural Program.
After hearing the report and focusing on the current agricultural campaigns, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to take appropriate measures to complete the cotton harvest without losses and the wheat sowing according to the agricultural schedule. Separate instructions concerned monitoring compliance with quality requirements in the construction of various facilities scheduled to be commissioned this year according to the country's socio-economic development programs.
The working meeting continued with a report by the head of the Mary region, B. Orazov, on the dynamics of seasonal agricultural campaigns. It was reported that efforts are currently being made to increase the pace of the "white campaign," ensure the collection of raw cotton without losses, and its uninterrupted transportation and subsequent acceptance by relevant points and cotton processing enterprises. At the same time, everything necessary is being done to optimally complete the wheat sowing, vegetative irrigation after the campaign to obtain uniform seedlings. Preparations for the harvest of the grown sugar beet crop are also underway. Work has begun in light of the upcoming heating season: measures are being taken to ensure the proper functioning of the heating system in social, public, and residential buildings.
The head of the regional administration also reported on preparations for the upcoming celebrations on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday and the status of new facilities of various purposes scheduled to be commissioned this year according to the National Rural Program.
Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to take all measures for the optimal implementation of seasonal campaigns according to the established agricultural schedule.
The head of state also instructed to monitor the quality and timely completion of work scheduled for this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.
Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyiev reported on the pace of seasonal agricultural activities across the country. It was reported that necessary efforts are being made to ensure the cotton harvest without losses and its uninterrupted delivery to reception points and cotton processing enterprises. At the same time, special attention is being paid to maintaining the high functionality of agricultural and transportation machinery. In addition, wheat sowing for next year's harvest, vegetative irrigation of sown areas, and seedling care are being carried out according to agricultural standards.
In the Dashoguz and Lebap regions, the rice harvest continues, and in the Mary region, preparations for the sugar beet harvest are underway. Summarizing the report and emphasizing the relevance of the tasks set for the agricultural sector, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to monitor the optimal conduct of relevant work according to the planned schedule.
Then, addressing the participants of the working meeting, the head of state focused on the ongoing responsible agricultural campaign – the cotton harvest. In this regard, the importance of taking targeted measures to increase the pace of the "white campaign," the functionality of the combines and other machinery involved in it, cotton processing enterprises and reception points, and to harvest the raw cotton in a short time and without losses was emphasized. Their timely and quality implementation will ensure the optimal harvest of the crop grown through hard work and the successful implementation of sectoral reforms.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also emphasized the ongoing wheat sowing campaign. Speaking about the need to complete the campaign according to the established requirements and schedule to obtain a high grain yield and, consequently, maintain food security, the head of state instructed to keep its implementation under constant control on the ground, taking into account agricultural standards and deadlines. In this regard, it was instructed to ensure the effective functionality of the machinery and equipment involved in the sowing, timely vegetative irrigation of the sown areas to obtain uniform seedlings.
At the same time, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to make settlements with service structures and enterprises for the work performed on the ground within the planned deadlines.
Separate instructions concerned systematic control over the rice harvest in the Dashoguz and Lebap regions and proper preparation for the sugar beet harvest in the Mary region.
Speaking about the approaching winter period, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of heating systems in educational, cultural, administrative, public buildings, and residential houses.
At the same time, the head of state instructed to thoroughly prepare for the festive events on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday, as well as to take all measures for the timely and optimal completion of work planned in the regions for this year according to the country's socio-economic development program for 2022–2028 and the National Rural Program.
Concluding the working meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants good health, family well-being, and great success in their work.