Dovamly horse was presented to the President of Turkmenistan as a gift in honor of Independence Day

As part of the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was presented with an Ahal-Teke stallion named Dovamly. The solemn event took place during the festive military parade in Ashgabat on the square in front of the State Tribune complex. The steed was presented to the head of state on behalf of government members as a sign of appreciation for caring for the welfare of the people and the prosperity of the country, TDH reports. The parade, broadcast live to viewers around the world, included a demonstration of modern military equipment and performances by various branches of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan. A special decoration of the event was the appearance of Ahal-Teke horses, including Dovamly's horse, whose magnificent jewelry emphasized the beauty and nobility of this unique breed. The festive program also included a spectacular procession of Turkmen horsemen with national flags, demonstration performances by the Galkynysh group of national equestrian games and a theatrical literary and musical composition "The Storehouse of Reason – Magtumguly Pyragy".