Speech by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the second high-level meeting in the 'Central Asia – Germany' format.


Dear Mr. Federal Chancellor!

Dear Heads of State of Central Asia!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Members of the delegations!

First of all, let me warmly welcome you and express my gratitude to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, esteemed Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, for the hospitality and excellent conditions for work.

Today's meeting is a significant event, demonstrating the understanding by all participants of the importance of developing relations, the readiness to provide comprehensive state support, and the desire to bring closer strong partnership mechanisms. We expect that the results of the current Summit will mark a new important stage in strengthening our ties and achieving mutual understanding, leading to concrete agreements.

Characterizing the overall course and content of the relations between the states of Central Asia and Germany, especially in recent years, I would call them consistent and constructive. Experience and traditions of cooperation have been accumulated, primarily at the bilateral level, in establishing mutually beneficial partnerships in business, and intergovernmental channels of interaction are working in a number of areas.

Dear participants!

Among the most important tasks of our joint work, Turkmenistan particularly highlights the achievement and maintenance of regional peace, security, and stability. We believe that in the current conditions, closer political and diplomatic interaction between the countries of Central Asia and Germany can have a noticeable constructive impact on the overall situation in the region and neighboring areas. It is necessary to involve the efforts of the international community, primarily represented by the United Nations, based on the common aspirations of the leadership of our countries to see Central Asia as a peaceful, calm, economically attractive region, a space of stability and predictability.

For Turkmenistan, as a neutral peace-loving state, this approach is of fundamental importance. And we are ready to provide comprehensive assistance in achieving this goal, including in the current format. We consider it advisable in this regard to strengthen diplomatic contacts between the states of Central Asia and Germany, with a special focus on such topics as combating international terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, and transnational crime.

Of course, we consider it reasonable and useful to jointly determine the algorithms for work in these areas and in an international format, primarily with the UN and its relevant bodies.

Among the key issues of peace and security in the region is the situation in Afghanistan. Our assessment of the situation in this country is based on the fact that today the Afghan people have a chance and real opportunities to overcome a difficult long-term period and move to constructive, nationwide activities to restore state institutions, the economy, and the social sphere, to achieve and establish peace, harmony, and unity in the country.

Dear Heads of Delegations!

The priority of cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and the Federal Republic of Germany is the economy. I am convinced that this area is destined to become the locomotive of our relations, ensuring strong and sustainable positions of German business in the countries of the region on the one hand, and on the other hand, the rapid and effective integration of Central Asia into global economic and investment processes, including through ties with German companies.

Thus, it is obvious that economic, trade, and investment cooperation in our format meets the interests of all its participants and has good prospects for development and expansion.

Among the key areas of partnership, I would highlight transport and logistics, communications, energy, industrial production, the chemical industry, mechanical engineering, medicine and pharmaceuticals, the agro-industrial complex, and developments in the field of information technology.

The prospects for economic interaction between Central Asia and Germany are enormous. The advantageous geographical location of our region, connecting Asia and Europe, its vast and diverse natural resources, significant demographic potential combined with Germany's industrial and technological level, experience, and established partnerships in the field of international business open up great opportunities for our countries for joint work.

Among the unconditional priorities of interaction with the Federal Republic of Germany, a special place is occupied by issues related to ecology and climate change. Here, Turkmenistan highly appreciates the position of the German Government, its commitment to cooperation with the countries of our region, and its active and initiative role in promoting relevant projects and programs.

In this regard, we note the importance of the high-level conference 'Green Central Asia' held in Berlin in 2020, where interested discussions took place and joint steps were outlined.

I propose to intensify the dialogue on the 'green' theme, highlight it as a separate area of activity in our format, and start developing concrete plans for cooperation in the near future.

Humanitarian cooperation and human contacts have always had a fruitful impact on interstate relations. And today, I am sure, they are especially in demand and meet the needs and interests of the people of our countries, contributing to the rapprochement and mutual sympathy of our peoples.

I believe that this area should also receive all necessary state support. In this context, Turkmenistan also notes the importance of developing and encouraging youth cooperation between Central Asia and the Federal Republic of Germany, developing plans and programs for joint events on a wide range of topics.

Once again, I express my gratitude to the President of Kazakhstan for the excellent organization of today's meeting and confirm Turkmenistan's readiness for the closest cooperation within our format.